from coldtype import *
# an exact path to a font file
fnt = Font.Cacheable("/System/Library/Fonts/SFNS.ttf")
# listing fonts that match a pattern
fnt = Font.List("Times") # returns exact paths that can be passed to Font.Cacheable
# finding and loading the first font matching a pattern
fnt = Font.Find("Times")
# The StSt — the quickest way to get from plaintext to a vector/path representation of that text in a given font
StSt("Text", fnt, 100) # simplest StSt invocation
# Building and aligning a StSt
r = Rect(1080, 1080)
(StSt("Text", fnt, 100)
.align(r)) # center aligns
(StSt("Text", fnt, 100)
.align(r, "mnx", "mny")) # align to bottom-left
(StSt("Text", fnt, 100)
.align(r, "⊢", "⊥")) # also aligns to bottom-left
(StSt("Text", fnt, 100,
r=1)) # r=1 reverses direction of the glyphs
# Variable fonts
fnt = Font.Find("SFNS.ttf")
vtxt = (StSt("Variable", fnt, 100,
wght=1, opsz=0)) # maximum weight, minimum optical size
vtxt = (StSt("Variable", fnt, 100,
wght=0, # minimum weight
opsz=1, # maximum optical size
ro=1, # remove the overlaps (useful for var fonts when applying a stroke)
# If your variable font has a width axis, you can pass a fit= argument to a StSt constructor in order to have it automatically fit to a given width — here we'll use the included Mutator Sans fitted to the
fit_txt = (StSt("VARIABLE WIDTH", Font.MutatorSans(), 100,
wdth=1, # fitting always goes from wide to narrow, so make sure to set to max wdth (unless you want it to never be that wide)
fit=r.w-100) # -100 is just some quick padding
# Multi-line text
# N.B. there is no line-breaking in Coldtype; all line-breaks must be manually done (or you can use drawBot as a package within coldtype to generate multi-line strings that can be vectorized with drawBot.BezierPath)
txt = (StSt("Multi-\nline", fnt, 100,
leading=50) # a pixel amount between each line
txt = (StSt("Multi-\nline", fnt, 100,
leading=50, xa="mnx") # left align each line
txt = (StSt("Multi-\nline", fnt, 100,
leading=50, xa="mxx") # right align each line
# If you want the text as a single vector (pen), you can do something like this:
txt = txt.pen()