
A quick reference for Rect(angles)

from coldtype import Rect

# N.B. Coldtype has point (0,0) at bottom-left

# three equivalent ways to declare a rect

a = Rect(0, 0, 1080, 1080) # x, y, w, h
b = Rect(1080, 1080) # just 2 args will be w & h
c = Rect([0, 0, 1080, 1080]) # can also be 1-arg (a list)

# simple modifications

r = Rect(1080, 1080)
a = r.inset(100, 100) # 100-px padding on all sides
b = r.inset(200, 50) # 200-px inset on left side and right side, 50-px inset on the top and bottom
c = r.offset(10, 20) # 10-px translation on x-axis (i.e. to-the-right), 20-px translation on y-axis (i.e. up)

# getting values from a rect

r = Rect(1080, 1080)
r.x # x coordinate of bottom-left
r.y # y coordinate of bottom-left
r.w # width
r.h # height
# -or-
r[0] # x
r[1] # y
r[2] # w
r[3] # h
x, y, w, h = r

# can be splat'd
def use_rect(x, y, w, h):
    return x + w, y + h

# compass points

r.pc # point-center # point-north # point-south, # point-east, point-west
r.pne, r.pse, r.psw, r.pnw # northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest
# all of these values yield a Point object, which has x/y props & behaves like a list
r.pc.x # x coordinate of the center of the rect
r.pc.y # y coordinate of the center of the rect
r.pc[0] # x
r.pc[1] # y

# quick columns

r = Rect(0, 0, 1080, 1080)
a, b, c = r.subdivide(3, "mnx") # 'a' would be the first column, 'c' the last (left-to-right)
a, b, c, d = r.subdivide(4, "mxx") # 'a' would be the first column, 'd' the last (right-to-right)
columns = r.subdivide(8, "W") # columns holds a list of 8 columns arrayed west-to-east (left-to-right) (b/c of the W argument, equivalent to "mnx")

# quick rows

a, b, c, d = r.subdivide(4, "mxy") # 'a' would be the first row, 'd' the last (top-to-bottom)
a, b, c, d = r.subdivide(4, "mxy") # 'a' would be the first row, 'd' the last (top-to-bottom)
rows = r.subdivide(8, "N") # rows holds a list of 8 rows arrayed north-to-south (top-to-bottom) (b/c of the "N" argument, equivalent to "mxy")

# quick slicing and dicing

r = Rect(1080, 1080)
r.take(100, "W") # 100px-wide rect sliced off the western half of the original rect, i.e. Rect(0, 0, 100, 1080)

# "edge" shorthand

"mnx" == "W" == "⊢" # aka minimum-x aka the left-hand edge of a rectangle, aka the western edge
"mny" == "S" == "⊥" # aka minimum-y aka the bottom edge of a rectangle, aka the southern edge
"mxx" == "E" == "⊣" # aka maximum-x aka the right-hand edge of a rectangle, aka the eastern edge
"mxy" == "N" == "⊤" # aka maximum-y aka the top edge of a rectangle, aka the northern edge
"mdx" == "CX" == "⌶" # aka middle-x aka the center vertical "edge", or line of a rectangle (a line going from the top to the bottom right down the middle)
"mdy" == "CY" == "H" # aka middle-y aka the center horizontal "edge" of a rectangle (a line going from the left to the right right through the middle (separating the bottom half from the top half))